VAST.Rehab apps installation

VAST.Rehab apps installation


VAST.Rehab is a comprehensive virtual rehabilitation platform designed for patients, therapists, and administrators. It offers specialized solutions to support various rehabilitation needs. To improve user experience and accessibility, VAST.Rehab has developed dedicated applications for each panel - Patient Panel, Therapist Panel, and Administrator Panel. These apps are available for download from the Microsoft Store.

VAST.Rehab Patient Panel

The Patient Panel app is designed for individuals undergoing rehabilitation treatment. It provides patients with access to prescribed exercises, progress tracking, and communication tools to engage with their therapists. Download the Patient Panel app from the Microsoft Store:

VAST.Rehab Therapist Panel

The Therapist Panel app allows healthcare professionals to manage their patients, create and assign personalized exercise programs, monitor patient progress, and communicate with patients using secure messaging. Download the Therapist Panel app from the Microsoft Store:

VAST.Rehab Administrator Panel

The Administrator Panel app is designed for clinic managers and administrators. It enables users to manage therapist accounts. Download the Administrator Panel app from the Microsoft Store:


To install the downloaded apps, simply click on the respective links above, and you will be redirected to the Microsoft Store. Click on the "Get" button and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

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