Installing Device Drivers

Installing Device Drivers


VAST.Rehab is a comprehensive virtual rehabilitation platform designed to work with various hardware devices to provide an immersive and effective rehabilitation experience. To ensure smooth integration and optimal performance, it is essential to install the appropriate drivers for each device used in your facility. 

Why Install Device Drivers:

Device drivers are essential software components that enable your computer to communicate with and control connected hardware devices. Installing the correct drivers ensures that your devices function properly, providing accurate data and a seamless user experience. Failure to install the required drivers may result in reduced performance, compatibility issues, or devices not being recognized by the VAST.Rehab platform.

Installing Stereolabs ZED 2 Camera Driver:

The Stereolabs ZED 2 camera is a depth-sensing device that enables accurate motion tracking and 3D spatial understanding. To use the ZED 2 camera with VAST.Rehab, follow these steps to install the appropriate drivers:

  1. Start VAST.Rehab Patient Panel
  2. Once started, click on the "Settings" icon (represented by a gear symbol) located in the top-right corner of the application window
  3. Go to "Devices" section
  4. Click the "Drivers" button on the bottom left corner of the screen
  5. Click "ZED" button to open Microsoft Store
  6. Install the package
  7. Restart Patient Panel

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